CBD. You definitely saw these three letters advertising at your neighborhood cafe. Even on the shelves at your local pharmacy store. But, what you might not be aware of is what cannabis has the highest CBD. What strain has the highest CBD?
Basically, this question begs to answer how much cannabidiol (CBD) is in each product.
Close to the way cultivators try to maximize the production of THC, the same thing goes to CBD. There are some high-CBD strains specially bred to offer therapeutic benefits without too much THC. This had a lot of benefits such as children suffering from seizures. These kinds of sickness have been safely treated using medical cannabis. And quite a number of studies showed that CBD had potential in treating:
- Various physical ailments
- Chronic pains
- Inflammation
- Epilepsy
- Stress, depression, and anxiety (in some cases)
Even though CBD is mainly associated with oils, tinctures, and vape pens, it has also other uses. It’s also available in flower for you to roll in joints or pack in bowls.
To give a better visualization of what strain has the highest CBD, here’s the list:
- Charlotte’s Web
- Cannatonic
- Harlequin
- Ringo’s gift
And according to the list, Charlotte’s Web strain has the highest CBD.
Charlotte’s Web
Charlotte’s Web was first introduced to us in 2011, and it’s well known as a high-CBD strain. But the history behind it is even more mesmerizing. It got its huge fame by helping shed the stigma surrounding the use of medical cannabis to treat children.
The strain was officially named after Charlotte Figi, a girl diagnosed with a rare condition called Dravet syndrome. This syndrome is also known as severe myoclonic epilepsy as a baby. This left her severely disabled at the age of three. She was suffering up to 300 grand mal seizures per week!
After the initial success in 2013 with a high-CBD strain called R4, her mother Paige Figi decided to spread the word. She called the Stanley Brothers, a group that were crossbreeding a strain of marijuana with hemp to produce a high-CBD strain. Eventually, they developed a high-CBD strain that drastically refused her frequency of seizures – from 300 per day to 2-3 per month!
This story sparkled a discussion about the purported benefits of using CBD to treat epilepsy in children diagnosed with epilepsy.
At the time this all was happening, some families uprooted and migrated to California. This was all just to gain access to Charlotte’s Web CBD extract. The cultivator behind this particular strain made up to 14% of the market share for hemp-based CBD products bac in 2018. And shortly after, and for obvious reasons, it was named Charlotte’s Web.
And to answer the “What strain has the highest CBD” question, it’s Charlotte’s Web. It has a CBD content of 17% and minuscule traces of THC. And as per the taste, it has a sweet taste and a woodland-like aroma.
Advantages and disadvantages of high CBD strain
Being a high CBD strain has it advantages and disadvantages, too.
The advantages of CBD strains are that it has natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it helped a lot of people quit smoking and drug withdrawals. As mentioned above, it’s proved to treat epilepsy too. And not just epilepsy, but other similar neurological symptoms and disorders. A lot of people are also using it as an alternative to chemotherapy to fight cancer. And there are cases where it treated anxiety disorders, Type 1 diabetes.
The disadvantages, however, are also not in a lesser number. The first one of all is that it’s not widely used yet. You can only buy high CBD strains where medical marijuana is legal. Second, no CBD is approved by the FDA, which leaves room for scammers to work. And since it’s not regulated by the FDA, they can put whatever they want on their labels. And due to all this, you might get more THC than you requested to. So, keep your eyes open to what you’re ordering.