What CBD oil is, what it is used for and can it be used for pets are questions that continue to be asked by many. CBD oil is a product that is getting a lot of attention lately. Cannabidiol world is in its peek of exploration and much research conducted so far has confirmed its numerous benefits. Its effects are extraordinary. We will answer some of the most asked questions here and remove any doubts you have.
What is CBD oil good for?
Cannabis Sativa plant has two important ingredients that interest us: CBD and THC. THC(Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the most active ingredient of Cannabis Sativa. After THC stands CBD. The important thing to state as a difference between them is that unlike THC, CBD does not have psychoactive effects. Another important thing we must state is that there is more CBD on hemp than in cannabis. Cannabidiol oil is derived from cannabidiol paste and it is widely being used. This oil had the attention of the scientific community in recent years, as more and more studies and research continue to confirm its numerous benefits for the body. CBD oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This oil has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of muscle pain, headache, insomnia, anxiety disorders, and many more health issues.
People use CBD oil:
- as a food supplement
- against pain and inflammation
- as an antioxidant
- against anxiety and insomnia

How much CBD oil should you give your dog
Can I take my pet’s CBD oil?
Most of the studies about CBD oil are about the good effects this oil may have on people. A lot of people may have some unpleasant pains, stress, skin problems, etc. and that urges the need for more and more research. But this research has not only been about people but also for pets. Even pets may occasionally have unpleasant illnesses, feel pain, inflammation, hair loss and so on. This made people ask about CBD oil for pets. Can it be used for pets? Yes. Because CBD oil acts in the body of animals in the same way as in the body of humans.
CBD oil serves as an extraordinary food supplement for pets in order to improve their vitality, or as a complementary drug for their veterinary treatment. Cannabidiol oil it can be used for dogs and cats. It is also suitable for most of the animals, for aggressive animals or those who show an anxious state. When your pets are not feeling well, it is understandable you will seek a cure to heal them. And not everyone knows the effect a few drops of CBD oil can have on animals. The oil releases muscle relaxants and has no psychoactive effects, meaning that animals will have no addiction to it. To add more to the benefits, CBD oil helps protect the nervous system. The CBD oil used on pets for therapy contains 5% CBD. Just to make a list on the pathologies this oil fights:
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Chronic infections
- Skin problems
- Different types of pain
- Immune system disorders
- Appetite disorder
CBG Seeds And Its Benefits
What is the best CBD oil for pets?
As mentioned above, CBD oil has shown promising results in pets. It can help in fighting any health difficulties they may occur. A lot of companies sell CBD oil for pets, and we will try to bring you to the best on the market, so that you may feel free to purchase. Of course, there is no undisputed winner of this contest. There are many approved products on this matter. So, we will present you with a list of product names, rated by the people on Amazon. According to their reviews:
- Buster’s Hemp Oil
- Organic Hemp Oil
- Kinpur Hemp Oil – for dogs and cats
- Full Spectrum Hemp Seed Oil
- CBDPet Hemp Extract

CBD oil for Dogs infographic
Do vets recommend CBD oil?
It is always good to ask and accept advice from the vet. But, about this question, you need advice from an open-minded veterinarian who knows about CBD oil and its pros and cons. You should not be surprised if any vet is against the use of cannabis on pets. Many vets are not updated on the latest research that shows promising results and benefits this oil has. Therefore, do not give up on using this oil for your pets. A well-prepared veterinarian offers you his knowledge and experience and guides you to choose the best product for your pet. If you still have any doubts, take the chance to talk to other pet owners who use CBD oil for their pets. It can give you valuable information about the effects, the products they are using, the dose and other useful information.
Can you give CBD oil to dogs every day?
Yes. Simple as that. And there are many reasons why you should give CBD oil to dogs every day. The first and most important reason is that CBD is not psychoactive. Most CBD oils do not have THC. So, your dog will not be addicted to it, it won’t get “high” with CBD oil. Your dog will only relax. The second reason is its effectiveness in treating panic disorders, separation anxiety, stress or noise phobias. Another reason is the protection this oil provides for the nervous system. An encouraging result from the latest studies shows that CBD oil is safe to use for extended periods of time. You just have to check if your dog is taking any medications, you must ask your vet for additional advice before using CBD oil.
More and more people are using it for themselves and their dogs, because of the noticeable benefits. Last but not least, you have to keep in mind one essential thing. The right amount of dose. For the well-being of your dog, you need the right amount of CBD oil. That is crucial for your dog to benefit from the oil. The dosage should be calculated according to the weight and size of your dog. For example, a small dog of 10 kg of weight should take 3-5 drops of CBD oil per day. From 10 to 25 kg, also called medium size dogs, it is recommended to take 6 – 10 drops per day, and for large dogs weighing more than 25 kg are recommended 12 drops per day.